APC for the authors from developing countries
"Genertae Digital Publishing" knows that there are no state or grant support programs for research in several emerging and developing nations, and there is no practice of compensating writers for the cost of open access.
As an Indonesian publishing company, we offer Indonesian scholars to compete for full or partial APC remuneration directly from the publishing company (the proportion of such articles can range from 5 to 10% of the total number of articles published).
Another way to support scholars from developing countries is to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the university, which will provide its teachers with substantial preferences when paying for АРС.
Furthermore, the article processing charge for authors affiliated with lower middle-income countries is much lower than the real costs for processing papers that are completely compensated by authors affiliated with high-income or higher middle-income nations only. The amount of such compensation is much lower for authors with ties to low-income countries.
We also offer individual discounts for APC to authors who are struggling financially and are unable to find sponsors. In such instances, the author should submit a thoroughly justified request to the Publisher for both APC savings and free publication. Such an application is evaluated on an individual basis.